Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Power of The Mastermind

In Think and Grow Rich Publisher: Ballantine Books Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill define the Mastermind or “Master Mind” as, “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”
The Power of The Mastermind

Have you ever really participated in a mastermind session? If not, you should.
I’ve been blessed to be involved in several with some brilliant minds and had the opportunity last week to be in one with Mark Victor Hansen, his lovely wife Crystal and about 16 other people. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime chance to sit around in an intimate setting and talk to a man who has sold a a half-billion books and is generally regarded as one of the greatest philantropists and speakers our time.
I was awestruck.
Mark shared several of his personal philosophies and habits with the group and challenged us to make a list of 200 people we’d like to spend time with. Think about that. Can you make a list of 200 people you want to spend time with?
With that in mind, he encouraged big, bold goals—after all how does one sell 500 million books? He related one story about he and Jack Canfield in creating the Chicken Soup For The Soul Brand instead of focusing on selling a million books, they focused on selling 10 million. All of a sudden, a million didn’t seem like such an insurmountable goal. It’s all in your perspective.
Are you setting your goals high enough? What could you do to really raise the bar? Don’t think about the “what if”. Don’t worry about failing—here’s a newsflash: it’s going to happen. Get ready for it.
It’s part of the gig.
Did you know Mark and Jack were turned down by over 100 publishers before getting Chicken Soup For The Soul published?
Don’t be afraid to push the envelope and buck the trend. At one time the New York Times’ Best Seller list refused to acknowledge Chicken Soup For The Soul telling Mark they “didn’t include multiple author books”.

He said, “You’re sure?”

She said, “I’m positive.We DO NOT include multiple author books.”
He replied, “Well, you include the Bible and there are over 60 books with 40 authors.”

Chicken Soup For The Soul made the list the next week.
Among the many things I came away with was a sense of power—that I could accomplish great things. Greater than perhaps I even can imagine. I’m currently reading Mark’s new book, The Miracles In You: Recognizing God’s Amazing Work In You and Through YouThe Miracles In You: Recognizing God’s Amazing Work In And Through You.
and am looking forward to what the future brings.
So, make that list of 200 people you want to spend time with. Go ahead and write it down.
And, set yourself a goal of putting together or being involved in a Mastermind group this year. It’s an amazing experience.

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